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As the pure-hearted Anne, Ana Collado brought dramatic projection, deft coloratura and variegated coloring to the aria “No Word from Tom,” the brilliant curtain closer of Act I. At times she sounded almost heroic, making one believe in her doomed quest. Collado traced the simple melodic line of Anne’s lullaby for the dying antihero with moving poignancy.
— South Florida Classical Review

Originally from Miami, Ana Collado has been praised for her "fine lyric soprano" (South Florida Classical Review). Most recently, Ana performed the role of Rosina from Corigliano’s The Ghosts of Versailles with Miami Music Festival.  She has participated in several competitions and festivals, most notably Opernfest Prague in the Czech Republic and the 2017 Judy Drucker Vocal Competition where she won First Place and the Artist of the Year award. This past Spring, she also won First Place at the VOICExperience Foundation’s Opera Idol competition in Chicago.

In years past, she won First Place in the Florida district of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions. She has also won the Encouragement Award at the Florida district MONC auditions twice and an Encouragement Award at the Meistersinger Competition in Graz, Austria.

Ana completed her Master's degree in Vocal Performance at the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami, where she previously earned the Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal Performance and was named the Outstanding Music Student of the Year. Notable roles with Frost Opera Theater include Anne Trulove in The Rake's Progress, Lauretta in Gianni Schicchi, and Nuria in Ainadamar.

Ana Collado’s lovely soprano winningly spun Lauretta’s “O mio babbino caro.”
— South Florida Classical Review
... the soprano Ana Collado sang the famous aria O mio babbino caro, which she performed with sweetness and projection... received a well-deserved burst of applause.
— El Nuevo Herald

Photo Credit: Kristin Pulido